I think the layout for this issue is pretty good. The different categories have been blocked and put in different colours. If you look closely, the font size is different for the headings and the headin 'music videos' isnt bold like the others. The headings have been given a picture respective of their subject, a man wearing jewelry, a music video and a trendy guy. Also the not so important things such as tv showings and quizes have been made smaller and put at the bottom of the page as they are not the main seling point of the magazine.
Depending on the colour of the background depends to the colour of the font, if the background is white, the font is black and vice versa. The pictures themself have alot of colour in the and really make the page stand out. If you take away the pictures then it is simply blac, white and grey which is retty dull.
There are alot of pictures on this contents page and the pictures correspond with the title they are under. There are even a few random faces in there to make it seem funny. The pictures add life to the otherwise very dull and boring page.
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